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Why can't I find a table of rates?

Commercial mortgages rates are unlike rates for residential mortgages and personal loans.

They are not a pre-determined offering because there are more considerations to take into account on a case by case basis.

Each application for a commercial mortgage is treated individually by the lender and the offer will include the rates at which the lender is prepared to undertake the financing, generally based upon LTV's and risk profile.

Together with factors, the lenders decision and the rate offered will be made based on the individual circumstance of the applicant, taking into consideration all risk factors, size of loan, length of loan etc.

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What is the sum of 4 and 3?

Just to say a big thank you to you and all the others who have helped with this process – including the underwriters at Shawbrook who met me early this morning. We have completed on the purchase successfully! This would not have been possible without your intervention – so a big thank you.